Featured Products

HIMS - Our latest & most mature version of the best-selling Hospital Information Management System. A robust web-based cross-platform solution that guarantees high performance, ease of maintenance for health institutions of all sizes

HAMS - Our legacy Health Administration & Management Systems running in Several Health facilities big or small in Ghana & Mali. A windows-based desktop application systems administrators use every day to management patient & hospital information

E-HIMS - Our cloud-based solutions for clients who need not host their own application servers. Managed your health facility from anywhere with any device. We store, manage and maintain your data and application from our own servers in the Cloud

Featured Clients

Winneba Governement Hospital
Anglogold Ashanti (Obuasi Mines - Obuasi)
St. Mary Theresa Hospital, Dodipapase
Holy Trinity Medical Hospital
Lapaz Community Hospital
Redeemer Hospitals
Atebubu Municipal Hospital
Tamale Central Hospital
Family Health Teaching Hospital